Arctic Scavengers

Arctic Scavengers

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Board Games

release year: 2009
platform: Boardgame
genre: Bluffing / Card Game / Fighting
designer: Robert K. Gabhart
artist: Matt Burton / Martin Hoffmann
publisher: Driftwood Games / Rio Grande Games

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In the year 2097, the entire Earth was enveloped in a cataclysmic shift in climate, plunging the globe into another ice age. Nearly 90% of the world’s population was eliminated, driving the survivors to band together into loose communities and tribes.

In Arctic Scavengers, you are the leader of a small tribe of survivors. Resources, tools, medicine, and mercenaries are all in scarce supply. You and your tribe are pitted against up to four other tribes in a fight for survival. Build up your tribe, skirmish against other players head-to-head, or even bluff your way to victory.

The player with the largest tribe at the end of the game is declared the winner!
