tag: “boardgames”
Morels [Game] BGG
other title: Boletaires / Funghi
genre: Card Game / Educational platform: Boardgame publisher: Two Lanterns Games / Bright World Games
The woods are old-growth, dappled with sunlight. Delicious mushrooms beckon from every grove and hollow. Morels may be the most sought-after in these woods, but there are many tasty and valuable varieties awaiting the savvy collector. Bring a basket if you think it's your lucky day. Forage at night and you will be all alone when you stumble upon a bonanza. If you're hungry, put a pan on the fire and bask in the aroma of chanterelles as you sauté them in butter. Feeling mercantile? Sell porcini to local aficionados for information that will help you find what you seek deep in the forest.

Morels, a strategic card game for two players, uses two decks: a Day Deck (84 cards) that includes ten different types of mushrooms as well as baskets, cider, butter, pans, and moons; and a smaller Night Deck (8 cards) of mushrooms to be foraged by moonlight. Each mushroom card has two values: one for selling and one for cooking. Selling two or more like mushrooms grants foraging sticks that expand your options in the forest (that is, the running tableau of eight face-up cards on the table), enabling offensive or defensive plays that change with every game played. Cooking sets of three or more like mushrooms – sizzling in butter or cider if the set is large enough – earns points toward winning the game. With poisonous mushrooms wielding their wrath and a hand-size limit to manage, card selection is a tricky proposition at every turn.

Following each turn, one card from the forest moves into a decay pile that is available for only a short time. The Day Deck then refills the forest from the back, creating the effect of a walk in the woods in which some strategic morsels are collected, some are passed by, and others lay ahead.

Exit: The Game – The Enchanted Forest [Game] BGG
other title: EXIT-КВЕСТ: Зачарованный лес / EXIT: A játék – Az elvarázsolt erdő
genre: Deduction / Puzzle platform: Boardgame publisher: KOSMOS / 999 Games
Exit: The Game – The Enchanted Forest is a puzzle game modeled after escape rooms, and it includes components meant to be folded, written upon, or torn, so it's marketed as a single-use game.

A relaxing walk in the woods takes a very different turn when you suddenly encounter strange fairytale creatures and even stranger puzzles. Will you ever find your way out?!

-- description from the publisher

Faraway [Game] BGG
other title: Faraway: Πέρα Μακριά… / Hen daleko
genre: Adventure / Card Game platform: Boardgame publisher: Catch Up Games / BoardM Factory
Welcome to Alula, a mysterious continent with ever-changing geography, shaped after the rhythm of the seasons. Beyond the Sea of Mists lies the mysterious continent of Alula. Roam across the land in search of its secrets, meet its inhabitants and list its wonders in order to gain more fame than your opponents.

Throughout a game of Faraway, you will play a row of 8 cards in front of you, from left to right. These cards represent the regions you will come across while exploring the lands. Characters on these cards will grant you victory points if you later fulfil the conditions they demand. At the end of the game, you walk back the same way, scoring cards in the opposite order you played them. There lies the heart of the gameplay. Throughout the game, the cards you play will serve both to set new objectives, and to meet the ones you played previously.

Each turn, you play a card from a hand of 3. Then you pick a new card from a face-up river. As play is simultaneous in Faraway, you must take into account a clever priority system in all of your choices – being last to pick a card leaves you with fewer options and often less profitable choices for the next turns.

—description from the publisher

Boggle [Game] BGG
other title: Boggle Game Folio Edition / Boggle Gamepen
genre: Dice / Real-time platform: Boardgame publisher: Alga / Basic Fun, Inc.
Boggle is a timed word game in which players have 3 minutes to find as many connected words as possible from the face up letters resting in a 16 cube grid. When the timer runs out, players compare their lists of words and remove any words found by multiple players. Points are then awarded for remaining words, depending on how many letters are in the word. (In the original Boggle, all words must contain 3 or more letters to score points.)

An example grid given in the French Canadian rules (of Deluxe Boggle) holds an amazing 459 words!

A number of variants have been produced by Parker Brothers over time, including Big Boggle (which uses a 5×5 grid of letters and forces players to search for longer words).

Boggle is a word dice game.

Fairy Ring [Game] BGG
other title: Tündértánc / Магія фей
genre: City Building / Fantasy platform: Boardgame publisher: Repos Production / Gém Klub Kft.
A ray of moonlight shines in the clearing. The fairies wake up and stretch their wings. Mushrooms pop up from the ground, forming a circle. The first fireflies start to land. Magic is returning to the forest, and now it's time to prepare for winter...

In Fairy Ring, you want to create a mushroom village to house the fairies in the clearing. Guide your fairy carefully, from village to village, through the fairy ring to gather as much mana as possible. You have two seasons to develop your village before winter begins. Each decision counts towards winning the game.

Fromage [Game] BGG
genre: Economic / Farming platform: Boardgame publisher: Road To Infamy Games (R2i Games)
You are a French cheesemaker in the early 20th century making, aging, and selling your artisanal cheeses. Become the most prestigious cheesemaker in all of France by running a highly successful creamery and crafting exceptional cheese.

Fromage is a simultaneous worker-placement game where players place Workers to make cheese and gather resources from the quadrant of the board facing them. Once all players have placed their Workers, the board rotates, aging any cheese that was made, and presenting each player with a new quadrant to place Workers into. Score Prestige Points by selling cheese to the four locations, and by efficiently managing and upgrading your creamery.

-description from the publisher

boop the Halls! [Game] BGG
genre: Abstract Strategy / Animals platform: Boardgame publisher: Smirk & Dagger Games
A deceptively cute, deceivingly challenging abstract strategy game for two players.

The Mensa award winning, Game of the Year, boop, is back with a new Holiday edition and has really leveled up game play (literally!!).

The hoomans are hanging ornaments on the highest boughs of the tree, but those clever cats are leaping up and boopin’ them right off. You can win “Naughty” by knocking off 3 of your opponent’s ornaments or “Nice” by lining up three cats in a row!

The 4-tiered game board ‘tree’ presents a surprisingly mind-bending 3D challenge for players. And the alternate win condition of knocking off 3 of your opponent's ornaments creates new strategic problems to solve, elevating the play experience to a new high!

—description from the publisher

Pete the Cat Perfect Pizza Party Game [Game] BGG
other title: Pizza Party / Pepperoni Party
genre: Children's Game / Dice platform: Boardgame publisher: Asmodee / Haywire Group
In the dice-rolling game Pizza Party, each of the two players rolls five dice over and over again at the same time, trying to match their dice to the toppings on the pizza slice card they drew. As soon as dice match, you can place them on the appropriate toppings on the card, and as soon as all the ingredients are supplied, you grab another card and start rolling once again. Whoever first creates an entire pizza pie of six slices wins!

Sushi Go Party! [Game] BGG
other title: スシゴーパーティ / 초밥대왕
genre: Card Game / Party Game platform: Boardgame publisher: Gamewright / AURUM, Inc.
Sushi Go Party! expands Sushi Go! with a party platter of mega maki, super sashimi, and endless edamame. You still earn points by picking winning sushi combos, but now you can customize each game by choosing à la carte from a menu of more than twenty delectable dishes. What's more, up to eight players can join in on the sushi-feast. Let the good times roll!

—description from the publisher

Dungeons & Dragons: The Yawning Portal [Game] BGG
genre: Fantasy platform: Boardgame publisher: Avalon Hill / Hasbro
The Yawning Portal is an iconic inn that attracts fascinating adventurers with two things in common: They're famished, and they have unique tastes in food.

As part of the tavern's staff in Dungeons & Dragons: The Yawning Portal, you need to feed them by matching up food tokens with the orders pictured on their hero card. You earn colored gems (and points) for every matching food token, and a bonus for completing an order. The colored gems that appear most frequently on the board receive the highest value, so strategize to tip the scoring scale in your favor — and don't be afraid to use potions to make patrons love your food! Collect more points if you're the first to achieve an objective challenge or earn an endgame bonus. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Cartographers [Game] BGG
other title: Cartografii: O poveste în universul "Roll Player" / Cartógrafos
genre: Fantasy / Territory Building platform: Boardgame publisher: Thunderworks Games / Arclight Games
Queen Gimnax has ordered the reclamation of the northern lands. As a cartographer in her service, you are sent to map this territory, claiming it for the Kingdom of Nalos. Through official edicts, the queen announces which lands she prizes most, and you will increase your reputation by meeting her demands. But you are not alone in this wilderness. The Dragul contest your claims with their outposts, so you must draw your lines carefully to reduce their influence. Reclaim the greatest share of the queen’s desired lands and you will be declared the greatest cartographer in the kingdom.

In Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale, players compete to earn the most reputation stars by the time four seasons have passed. Each season, players draw on their map sheets and earn reputation by carrying out the queen's edicts before the season is over. The player with the most reputation stars at the end of winter wins!

—description from the publisher

Exit: The Game – Advent Calendar: The Missing Hollywood Star [Game] BGG
other title: EXIT: Das Spiel – Adventskalender: Der verschwundene Hollywood-Star / Exit: Het Spel – Adventskalender: De verdwenen Hollywood-ster
genre: Murder / Mystery / Puzzle platform: Boardgame publisher: KOSMOS / 999 Games
Hollywood is calling! By chance, you have ended up in one of the largest film studios in the dream factory. The shooting for the new Christmas blockbuster should actually be in full swing here — but the set is dark and deserted. Where's the film crew? And why hasn't the movie star shown up yet? Something is wrong here!

Exit: The Game – Advent Calendar: The Missing Hollywood Star is an Exit game and a 24-part adventure story in one. To unravel the mystery of the vacant studio lot, you must open a little calendar door every day. Behind each, you will find a new puzzle, the solution of which will help you to move onto the next room. Only if you follow the clues and solve all 24 puzzles will you find the missing star...

The Isle of Cats Duel [Game] BGG
genre: Animals / Fantasy platform: Boardgame publisher: The City of Games
In The Isle of Cats Duel — a competitive, standalone game designed specifically for two players — you are citizens of Squalls End on a rescue mission to the Isle of Cats and must save as many cats as possible before the evil Lord Vesh arrives. Each cat is represented by a unique tile and belongs to a family; you must find a way to make them all fit on your boat while keeping families together.

The Isle of Cats Duel replaces the card drafting from the original The Isle of Cats game with a new movement system. Guided by an Oshax cat, players take turns moving around the island. Where you move determines which cats, treasures, and lessons you can access and will shape the options available to your opponent on their next turn.

In the end, the player who best balances rescuing cats, completing lessons, and limiting their opponent's options will prove themselves as the ultimate cat rescuer.

—description from the publisher

BOOoop. [Game] BGG
other title: HUUupp / БУУууп.
genre: Abstract Strategy / Animals platform: Boardgame publisher: Smirk & Dagger Games / Delirium Games
A deceptively cute, deceivingly challenging & SPOOPY abstract strategy game for two players.

Every time you place a kitten on the bed, it goes “boop.” Which is to say that it pushes every other kitten next to it one space away. Line up 3 kittens in a row to graduate them into cats… and then, get 3 cats in a row to win.

But that isn’t easy with both you AND your opponent constantly “booping” kittens around. It’s like… herding cats!
And now, things just got boopier and spoopier -
with NEW Ghost Cats that float between the spaces. And so scary, cats will leap right over each other to get away!

Approachable but challenging abstract game following the incredible success of the original "boop" as a limited seasonal game.
Features a new quilted, fabric board that lays over the back of the box, completing the minature bed playing surface. 34 adorable wood cat and kitten playing pieces!
NEW Ghost Cats can boop cats over other pieces as they move across the board between spaces.

—description from the publisher

Pirate Days [Game] BGG
genre: Card Game / Pirates platform: Boardgame publisher: Farplace Animal Rescue
Fill your week of pirates, scoring the most points in the process. Lots of new cards, and the first of the Days series of games to include Dice - for blasting pirates with a Cannon card or duelling with an opposing pirate. A short take-that strategic game.

Each turn you draw a card or play a card until one player fills their week of pirates - then you add up the current scores to see who has won.

One deck is needed per two people playing.

My Island [Game] BGG
other title: Moja Wyspa / Мой остров
genre: City Building platform: Boardgame publisher: KOSMOS / Galakta
Modeled after 2020's My City, My Island is a competitive legacy game in which you develop your own unique island from connected hexagons.

Over 24 games, you will experience the history of your island and discover its secrets, with each of the individual games featuring new rules and game materials with which you will permanently change your island.

Troll & Dragon [Game] BGG
other title: Тролль и Дракон
genre: Children's Game / Dice platform: Boardgame publisher: GaGa Games / LOKI
Troll and Dragon, will you dare steal the Dragon's treasure?

Troll and Dragon is a push your luck game where players will try to collect as many gems as possible.
Our little thiefs can decide to stay in the Troll's cave and collect some diamonds, easy peasy. Some might dare open the door that lead to the Dragon's room.

The Dragon's room is an amazing place, full of golden nuggets. Once you get there, the frenezy starts around the table. You can now throw the precious golden dice, roll them as much as you can to collect as many golden nuggets as possible. But beware, other players are rolling the dragon dice, trying to wake the legendary beast up to make you lose all treasures. Will you stop in time, who is the best and more discret thief around the table?

On your turn, roll the dice as many times as you want, as long as you have something to score. If you roll a key and a door, you can go to the Dragon's room. Once there, roll dice as much as you want but if your opponents roll 2 dragon faces on their dice, you will lose everything you gathered.

Troll and dragon is a frenetic and very fun game for the whole family to play!

Bag of Dungeon: A Fantasy Adventure Game [Game] BGG
genre: Adventure / Exploration platform: Boardgame publisher: Gunpowder Studios
Bag of Dungeon is a dungeon crawling tile-based game harking back to the good old deadly days of exploring dungeons, slaying monsters and stealing treasure. It's a simple-to-play tabletop game where 1-4 players send a party of adventurers into the ever-changing catacombs in a quest to find the Ring of Creation before escaping with their lives and their loot.

But can you trust your fellow adventurers? To begin with, you are all loyal to the quest and each other. But once the Ring is discovered it will cast a shadow of doubt and deceit over those who seek to steal it. You may decide that being a lone wolf is a far smarter choice than loyalty, even if it means the death of your former companions.

You will meet monsters, find treasure and use items to stay alive and escape with the Ring before the dungeon seals itself shut, imprisoning for all eternity anyone who remains.

The game has a simple but clever mechanic; great for young and/or new gamers to learn fast and take part while still giving more experienced gamers a satisfying time at the table. The game takes 20-60 minutes and changes every time you play.

—description from the publisher

Welcome to the Dungeon [Game] BGG
other title: Bienvenido a la Mazmorra / Bienvenido al Dungeon
genre: Bluffing / Card Game platform: Boardgame publisher: IELLO / Oink Games
Welcome to the Dungeon — first released as Dungeon of Mandom — is a push-your-luck dungeon delve in which 2-4 players take turns essentially daring each other to go into a dungeon with less equipment than they start off with while filling the dungeon with monsters. Players can win the game by winning 2 rounds or get eliminated from the game by losing 2 rounds. Each player has a 2-sided players card that has a white side and a red side. The first win taps the player card and the 1st loss flips the card over to the red side. A 2nd loss will have the player turn the card back into the box.

The game is played in rounds. The player sets up the base character and all the equipment equipped. This represents every player as a fully equipped dungeon delver.

Each round, the start player (the person who challenged the dungeon last or the last player to be in a dungeon) can choose to draw a card from the monster deck or pass their turn.

If they choose to draw, they can do one of two things: (1) keep it and de-equip an equipment or (2) place it face down in the dungeon. Placing it face down in the dungeon creates the dungeon deck and fills the dungeon with monsters that the challenger will have to face later. If they choose to pass their turn, they cannot participate in the rest of the round. Once only one person is left after all the other players have passed their turn, that player then becomes the challenger and must go into the dungeon with only the equipment he has equipped.

The player then flips cards off the dungeon deck and fights the monsters within. Some equipment allow you to null the enemy damage or be able to withstand it by increasing your HP. If the player survives the dungeon with at least 1 HP, they win that round. If not, they lose. The players then reshuffles all the cards to make a new monster deck and re-equips all the equipment to start a new round.

The game ends when someone has won twice or one player is the last man standing.

Welcome to the Dungeon includes four different sets of character cards whereas Dungeon of Mandom has only a single character.

Coney [Game] BGG
other title: Kaninchen / Кролики
genre: Abstract Strategy / Animals platform: Boardgame publisher: Little Rocket Games / Happy meeple games
In Coney, you play the role of a rabbit farmer!

Each player must set up their own rabbit farm by placing rabbit cards in a 3x3 grid according to the unique placement rules on the cards themselves. At the end of the game, you gain victory points (VP) shown on the top right of each rabbit card in your farm. You also receive VP for each card with end-of-game bonuses, store icons, and remaining extra resources, but you might also gain negative points.

The farmer with the most points wins!

—description from the publisher

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