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Board Games

Dragomino: Sárkánytojások nyomában / Το Νησί Των Δράκων / Драконье королевство / ดราโกมิโน่ / 尋龍多米諾
release year: 2020
platform: Boardgame
genre: Children's Game / Fantasy / Territory Building
designer: Bruno Cathala / Marie Fort / Wilfried Fort
artist: Maëva da Silva / Christine Deschamps
publisher: Blue Orange (EU) / Blue Orange Games

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The big moment has arrived. You have been named "dragon trainer", and you have the chance to meet them on a mysterious island. But you are not the only trainer sent to these lands. Who among you will discover the most baby dragons?

Dragomino features gameplay similar to Kingdomino, but with gameplay suitable for younger players. At the start of a round, you reveal four domino tiles, with each domino featuring two types of landscapes. Starting with whoever has the mommy dragon figure, players draft a tile and add it to their landscape. If the newly placed tile matches the landscape of one or more adjacent tiles, then you draw an egg tile for that type of landscape and place it face up where those tiles meet. Some eggs feature a baby dragon, which is worth 1 point; others feature an empty shell, which allows you to take the mommy dragon, giving you first pick next round.

After seven rounds, the game ends, and the player who holds the mommy dragon scores 1 additional point.
