Hey, That's My Fish!

Hey, That's My Fish!

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¡Pingüinos! / Ei! Čia mano žuvis! / Halfogócska / Hej, to moja ryba! / Hej! To je moje ryba! / Hej! To moja ryba! / Hey, Danke für den Fisch! / Hey! That's My Fish! / Hey! That's My Fish! Deluxe / Packeis am Pol / Penguin / Pingouin / Pingouins / Pingouins: Version luxe / Pinguïn / Pinguïn Deluxe / Pinguin Pescatore / Pinguine! Deluxe! / Pinguinii / Pingüinos & Cia / Pingüinos & Cia Deluxe! / Pingüinos & Cía Deluxe! / Pingvinas / Pingwin / Pingwin Deluxe / Ψαρεύοντας στους πάγους / Стій! Це моя риба! / Эй! Это моя рыба! / オイそれはオレの魚だぜ! / それはオレの魚だ! / 嘿!我的魚! / 이봐, 그건 내 물고기야!
release year: 2003
platform: Boardgame
genre: Abstract Strategy / Animals
designer: Günter Cornett / Alvydas Jakeliunas
artist: François Bruel / Sylvain Decaux / Bernd Natke
publisher: Bambus Spieleverlag / 999 Games

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In Hey, That's My Fish!, players want to catch as many fish as possible with their waddle of penguins. Each turn, a player moves one penguin in a straight line over hex-shaped ice tiles with 1, 2 or 3 fish on them. The player then collects the hex from where the penguin started its movement from the table, thereby creating a gap which penguins can't cross on future turns. When a penguin can't move, it's removed from play with its owner claiming the tile on which it stands. The player who collects the most fish wins.
