It has just occurred to me that #Microsoft #Recall isn't re-call. It's rec-all
Microsoft enabled the notorious "Recall" with the last update (for Windows 11 only). It's part of the OS and can't be uninstalled. This software stores metadata about EVERYTHING that appears on your screen, including passwords/urls/images/videos/any messages you send or emails etc
To disable this gross spyware, run the following as admin on the command line:
Dism /Online /Disable-Feature
I see many posts about how to disable the Recall "feature".
However, there's only one effective way to permanently disable it: stop using Windows.
UPDATE: I haven't seen Recall in action there. I was just asking the doctor how they'll deal with it.
This morning, I went to the doctor for a scheduled appointment. While she was looking at the results of blood tests from two years ago on the screen (and suggested repeating them for a follow-up), I realized she was using Windows 11. A detail came to mind. The doctor is extremely polite and friendly, so I asked her, "How do you handle the feature called Recall?" The doctor was taken aback and had no idea what I was talking about. I was about to drop the conversation, but she, being a serious professional, immediately called the technicians who manage their PCs to ask for clarification. They downplayed it, saying it's not an issue and that it's a feature "on all PCs, so we can't do anything about it." She started to express that she didn’t like it and wanted it deactivated. No luck: they won’t proceed because, according to them, even deactivating it is "a hack that could compromise future updates." She’s furious and will talk to her colleagues and the decision-makers. She wants secure systems because "there’s patient data involved."
In reality, patient data is stored on servers (which I haven't investigated), but everything that appears on the screen is, in my opinion, at risk.
I’ve offered to help them find a solution—because, if I'm right, all they need is LibreOffice and a browser. In that case, I’ll suggest one of the *BSD or Linux systems and do it for free.
I don’t want to make money off my doctor. I just want patient data to be (sufficiently) secure.
#IT #Recall #Windows #OwnYourData #Security #Privacy #RunBSD #Linux