Mother & I

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Mother & I

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ISBN: 9780648848103
author: Ianto Ware
publishing house: Hunter Publishers
publication date: 2021 -5
language: English
binding: Paperback
number of pages: 240

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The History of a Wilful Family

Ianto Ware   


After his mother's death, Ianto Ware revisits his childhood in suburban Adelaide, where his mother — single parent, lesbian feminist, and ardent socialist — waged a four-decade war on her conservative neighbourhood, primarily through the medium of gardening.

Driven by humour, insight, and love, this is part family memoir, part history of working class life, and part homage to suburban eccentricity.

Mother and I: The Fable of a Wilful Family celebrates the force of character that defies conformity and the love that prevails against bigotry.
